[앵커] 대한민국의 분열된 모습이 적나라하게 드러난 3.1절 이었습니다.일제로부터 우리의 독립의지를 세계에 알린 날을 기념하던 모습은 묻히고 극심한 진영논리에 따라 각자의 목청만 높였습니다.입만 열면 통합을 외치던 정치권은 오히려 지지층 결집을 노리고 분열을 부추긴다는 지적이 나오고 있습니다.비상계엄 정국이후 서울 도심 곳곳에선 가장 많은 인파가 몰려 집회를 가졌습니다
“Finding NoiseAware was a miracle for us. We now have peace of mind that our neighbors have a peaceful neighborhood.”
"Every single unit that we have has NoiseAware. Every single unit that we go into will have NoiseAware. It's our first line of defense."
"We let neighbors know we're using NoiseAware to prevent parties. We want to show them that having great neighborly relationships is a priority for us, and for the whole short-term-rental community."
"I can tell my owners, 'Not only do we have insurance, but we also have guest screening and we have NoiseAware. We have multiple layers of protection for your property."