한편 삼성전자는 오는 10일(현지시간)부터 ▲한국 서울 ▲프랑스 파리 ▲미국 뉴욕 ▲독일 베를린 ▲일본 도쿄 ▲아랍에미리트 두바이 ▲인도네시아 자카르타 등 전 세계 7개 도시에‘갤럭시 익스피리언스 스페이스(Galaxy Experience Space)’를 운영할 예정입니이다.서울과 도쿄 체험공간은 프랑스 시간 기준으로 열리는 언팩에 맞춰 오는 11일부터 운영됩니다.
“Finding NoiseAware was a miracle for us. We now have peace of mind that our neighbors have a peaceful neighborhood.”
"Every single unit that we have has NoiseAware. Every single unit that we go into will have NoiseAware. It's our first line of defense."
"We let neighbors know we're using NoiseAware to prevent parties. We want to show them that having great neighborly relationships is a priority for us, and for the whole short-term-rental community."
"I can tell my owners, 'Not only do we have insurance, but we also have guest screening and we have NoiseAware. We have multiple layers of protection for your property."